Another Way to Get Your Website Noticed

Now that you have your website all put together, you await a reaction.

Who is going to look at it?

How many people will look at it?

How SOON will people start looking at it?

Will I really be able to create enough business and make enough money to send my kids to Harvard?

To get more traffic to your site, consider free directory submissions. There are many sites that welcome free directory submissions: you send them your directory address, and the free site sends it out so it will be listed on the major search engines. Using these free directory submissions sites is quick, painless, and they do the work for you…for free. Some may require that you link back to them or a partner site so you help them generate more traffic in turn.

Getting web traffic is what you are about. If you have a product or service to sell, a cause to broadcast or information the world needs to know about, you want people coming to your site. Using free directory submissions sites gets you started. There are other sites that will do similar things for you: free bookmark submitter sites and free article submitters (where the deathless prose you wrote can find a worldwide audience).

Using free directory submissions has an economy of scale even for you, the little guy, because these sites are prepared to splash your website or blog to all the right places simultaneously. Keep in mind that some of the search engine recipients may not respond for awhile, so your website will not necessarily be on Google today, next week or even next month…but you have been saved the time and effort to get it placed by the free submission service. You should also know that some free directory submission websites may have a review process where their editors look over your website to make sure it is relevant and of sufficient quality. The sites will describe that process right up front.

As your website gets introduced to search engines, you will doubtless be using other devices to generate web traffic. The idea is to raise your level of visibility on the web, so when people do a search looking for you, the result of using free directory submissions will pay off in a higher position in search engine listings. That results in more attention, more business, and more money. And you got started with a free directory submissions website.