Make Sure Your Business Can Be Found With Simple Tips

When anyone talks about Search Engine Optimization, they always talk about the high profile part, like blog writing, website design, or social media. But there is a lesser known aspect of SEO that is crucial to the process, and practiced every day. It is important because it is based on the theory that the larger your presence, the more relevant the search algorithms will find you.

This concept utilizes things like free directory submissions or free article submitters in order to disseminate the address for your website, or an article written about your company, to hundreds of locations at a time. By spreading your presence so far and wide, while still making sure that it pertains to your business and your website, it helps in two ways. The first is that, because you are all over the internet now, you are much more likely to be seen and clicked upon. Secondly, by having a bigger presence, and by being clicked upon more frequently, the search algorithms will see that you are more relevant, and therefore belong higher on the search ranking lists.

When you subscribe to a free directory submission list, you belong to a list of sites that pertain to your business. If you sell gourmet, organic kelp tacos, then you would make sure that you are on all of the lists on the internet that collect gourmet, organic kelp taco sites. This allows those looking for gourmet, organic kelp tacos to find your site on a directory list, but also provides a site that is organically linking back to your own, which is another boost to your search results.

Free article submitters work in a similar fashion. You write an article not talking about your business specifically, but more generally discussing the type of business that you do. It gets posted to sites that contain articles with similar content, and then provides a link or two back to your site, as relevant content in relation to the article. Like the submission list, this allows people to find you when just searching for something like your business, but also provides that organic link back.

These two tactics are great ways to get your name and content onto the web in large quantities, while gaining bounce back links in the process. With a little work you can see the benefits of submitting content in this fashion, and will never go without it again.